Wednesday, 4 August 2010


I'm working on a game titled 'Programmable Spaceships' and I thought I'd set up a blog to keep interested people up-to-date with development, and also to get some encouragement and ideas from everyone out there on the interwebs.
In case you haven't guessed, the game is about programming spaceships. You create a fleet of spaceships, each with a program you've written loaded into it, and then seek out (via matchmaking or maybe a database of uploaded fleets) an opponent. Your programmed spaceships then duke it out, and the winner is the first fleet who wins.
The game is coming along nicely - here's a demo of some code being written and some spaceships fighting (mostly code, skip to about 2:30 for combat). I recommend you view the video in HD on Youtube if you're interested in the code - otherwise it'll be eyestrain city for you.

I intend to keep you fine people up to date with development news, videos, and hopefully eventually beta access. I also intend to get a slightly more appropriate and much less generic layout on here in the next few days. So, watch this space and I'll try and keep this thing interesting.

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